Wednesday, 30 June 2010


I am here sketchbook at the ready, really looking forward to the project.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Well, fancy seeing you here!


Finally got my act together and found my way here. I'm glad I'm not the first.

My theme is "This is not a Sketchbook", but quite what it is yet, I haven't decided. Whatever - I'm looking forward to getting started and to sharing what looks like it could be an interesting journey.

Best of all, to be with friends!!
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Hello from Helen S

Hi everyone!
Thanks for adding me Helen.

My chosen theme is beneath the surface. I'm fascinated by layers of things and birch trees hold all sorts of peeling beauties waiting to be unearthed. Thinking that the sketchbook will probably concentrate solely on trees and potential ways of developing art work from the observations. Hmm probably need to do it in duplicate to keep one! (or just scan it ;))

Looking forward to seeing all the developments as we go.

Monday, 28 June 2010

hello from Montreal

my sketchbook has arrived in Canada.
I have yet to take photos of anything
inside. I started on a page towards the
second half. I'm thinking
of making a welcome page at the beginning.